Highland Super Strength Polytunnels

Highland Super Strength Polytunnels

Highland super strength polytunnels are probably the strongest on the market, Highland Polytunnels upgraded the specification of standard polytunnels with rural areas such as the Outer Hebrides including Orkney and Shetland in mind, since introducing them over 16 years ago we have been supplying them all over the world.

These heavy-duty polytunnels are made up of hoops manufactured from 50.8mm steel unlike the standard 25mm or 32mm steel making them very robust in high winds.  It is recommended to set the ground tubes in concrete or post-Crete at 5ft apart rather than 6ft, this will help the strength enormously. The orientation of the structure, if possible, should be facing one of the ends towards the prevailing wind, if this is not possible then the crop bar bracing and extra ridge bars will compensate, try to position the polytunnel so it gets the morning sun. 

 The crop bar bracings are fitted across each internal hoop with a vertical brace fitted from the crop bar to the central ridge giving the structure 20% extra strength from the wind and snow loads. Standard polytunnels are supplied with one central ridge along the length of the tunnel, the super strength kit has an additional two ridges giving the tunnel three supplied as standard, one at each side of the central one, again this adds strength to the tunnel, like the crop bar they are also handy for hanging baskets or tying up plants or crops.

The timber ends are supplied with treated timber at each end, along with two timber single sliding doors as standard, but you can upgrade to double. The timber base rails are supplied again in treated timber, these are to attach the main cover, it does away with digging trenches to bury the cover and making it neater, stronger and much easier to replace the cover when the time comes.

Timber side rails with 40% shade netting are an optional extra for ventilation, these can be fitted along one or both sides of the polytunnel and you have the option of adding a vent screen. (roll-up curtain) 

All polyethene covers Highland Polytunnels supply is UV stabilised and have between 5-8yrs guarantees, depending on the make of the cover.

Should you have any questions contact us.

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