Whether you are a passionate gardener or a commercial agriculture production firm, fruit netting is one of the most beneficial garden accessories to achieve a higher yield. Fruit cage nettings are being extensively used by gardeners to protect the fruit trees against harsh environmental conditions such as hail, wind, excess sunlight, and pests while trying to improve the health of the trees thereby enhancing the quality of the fruits. Protected cultivation is a very useful alternative to meet the challenges of various fruits under climate change.
Sun Protection: Fruit cage netting is the best to provide ultimate protection to crops and fruits from the ultraviolet and harmful rays of the sun. The shade percentage may vary with fruit cage netting from 10 to 17 per cent depending on the quality of the netting you purchased for your garden. It eventually reduces 20% of the amount of radiation that reaches the fruits without being covered.
Wind protection: Fruit cage netting can also help in reducing wind speed by 40%. This helps in less fruit rubbing.
Controlled Soil Temperature: Fruit cage netting also controls the temperature of the soil. The soil temperature cools down by 2 degrees or more thereby helping the plants to grow optimally.
Cost-effective Covers: Fruit netting is one of the most cost-effective covers that help in protecting the fruits and crops in your garden.
Such garden nettings are made up of high-quality material and very affordable options if you are planning to save your fruits and crops from the conditions mentioned above. You can also install them on your own using some accessories such as pegs and clips.
Highland polytunnels offer the best and most durable fruit cage netting in the UK for your garden. If you are looking to purchase fruit netting for your garden then you should seek the help of the experts of highland polytunnel in the UK. The professionals will properly guide you as to which type of fruit cage netting is beneficial for your garden.